How To Create a Blog With WordPress

How To Create a Blog With WordPress

How to create a blog with WordPress: After thoughts about it for a long time, you were persuaded to open a blog on the Internet to express your views and share your facts and experiences on the Internet. However, not learning any programming language and not being predominantly knowledgeable in the scientific field, you made some Web searches to find out what the easiest solution was to attain your goal. You have thus erudite that  WordPress could be for you.


Create a blog with WordPress for free

If your intention is to create a blog with WordPress to become familiar with the main features of the famous CMS, you can rely on free solutions that allow you to have a web space without having to dip into your wallet. In this case, however, it will be helpful to know that the blog domain will be third level and, in some cases, you will have to pact with limited storage space and sacrifice the possibility of inserting advertising posters.

The first resource you can think about to create a blog with WordPress . It is on no cost. is a platform that allows you to build your own website for free of charge albeit with some limitations, such as a 3GB storage space, a third level domain (e.g. ), the incapability to install new tools (called plugins ) to amplify the functionality of your blog and to insert advertising posters.


To build your blog on , attach to the service’s website , click on the Start now button , enter your details in the fields  Your e-mail address , Choose a username and Choose a password and press the Create button an account . On the other hand, select the Continue with Google option to create an account on using your Google Account .


On the recently opened page, answer the questions  What name do you want to offer to your site? ,  What will your site be about? and  What is the Main goal of your site? , indicate your level of experience in building websites by selecting a numerical value from 1 (beginner) to 5 (expert) and click on the Continue button .


In the Give your site an address bar , enter the name you want to show in the URL of your blog in the Enter a name and keyword field , locate the solution (the only free one) and press the applicable button Select . Finally, click on the Start with free article to choose the zero-cost plan and wait a few times for your blog to be shaped.




Altervista is one of the best solutions for building a blog with WordPress without costing a penny. Unlike other free of charge services, with Altervista you have no boundaries in storage space and traffic and it is also possible to monetize your job by inserting advertising posters. Even in this case, however, a third level domain is worn (e.g. ).



Netsons is a peak free hosting service that allows you to build a blog with WordPress. As with the other zero-cost services, it allows you to have a third-level domain (e.g. ) and provides 1 GB of storage space.


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